History of ‘yoga’ is ancient. Now it has become a trend among the modern age peoples and they practices yoga in the modern well-furnished yoga studios. Most of the modern yoga practitioners are unaware of the long history of yoga dating back to ancient times in India’s and its spiritual roots. Today peoples practice yoga only to maintain their health but for ancient yogis, Yoga was a way of life.
Starting of the Yoga
Yoga first appeared around 1500 BC in Hindu literature. The term yoga was first written in Sanskrit, which means ‘yoke’. It refers to a dying warrior rising to heaven and reaching a higher power. The original concept of yoga was clearly to elevate those who deserved it to a higher level, to connect the individual to the universe as a whole.
For ancient Buddhist, yoga wasn’t even a specific discipline. Its the desire to attain spiritual goals and controlling both the mind and the body to achieve this. Ancient practitioners thought, correctly, the knowledge of yoga would lead to a higher level of consciousness and existence.
Old writings describe several levels of yoga, with increasing knowledge bringing the practitioners to the next, higher, level. It was viewed as a process which for may encompassed a lifetime of learning. The physical part of gaining enlightenment, was to prepare the way to meditation, which was spiritual in nature. The physical side of yoga began to emerge around 500 A.D.
By the third century, yoga was an accepted Buddhist practice involving a spiritual quest through meditation. And this is the classical period, where the writings Vyasa introduced the all-important Yoga Sutras, which lists yoga as a precondition for a higher existence.
Transition of Yoga
Yoga was intended to held ‘transcend’ human suffering and rise above it. It was also used to broaden, or deepen, consciousness as a path to personal enlightenment. So Yoga was seen as a means to overcome destiny and regain control of the self.
Up to the 15th century, while the West was in a state of constant strife and war, Eastern Buddhism focused on peace of mind. The difference between a Western and Eastern mindset is becoming more Noticeable. By this time, the emphasis of yoga shifts from transcending pain to reaching a higher plane of existence.
By the eighth century, hatha yoga, a mix of poses and meditation, came into practice. It is the beginning of “Modern Yoga” as we know today.
This article is not a proper guide-line for starting yoga, rather please contact with a certified trainer for starting exercise.
References: Yoga Secrets Revealed